RV Keto Recipes For Camping: My Favorite 10-Minute Keto RV Recipe
My Favorite 10-Minute RV Keto Recipe!
See how I make this very low carb supper in my RV.
It’s a simple Keto Salmon Recipe plus side salad. I’ve lost 50 pounds in 6 months as a full-time RVer.
Don’t miss all my best RV Keto tips & tricks!
Hi I’m Curtis with The Fun Times Guide. Today I’m going to show you a quick and easy keto-friendly supper that you can cook in your RV with very little effort. The preparation time is less than 5 minutes — and probably 10 minutes total to cook it!
We’ll start out by heating up a pan that has some olive oil and a bit of garlic in it. Here we have about 1 tablespoon to 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a good tablespoon of minced garlic starting to warm up in the pan.
To prepare the fish… this is just frozen fish fillets. Salmon from Walmart which comes packaged ready to thaw out and eat. And all I have done is let it thaw out and sprinkled it liberally with garlic pepper. You can see I just use minced garlic in the frying pan and garlic pepper. We’ll get these in the pan and get them started.
For my side dish, I have made a simple spring greens salad which has: spring greens, one diced up Roma tomato, a couple of green onions diced up, and about a third of a cucumber sliced up and added into it. On top I have sprinkled some cheddar cheese and a small handful (maybe 1/4 cup) of crushed walnuts. For a salad dressing, I will be having raspberry vinaigrette which has 5 carbs per serving.
In the frying pan, we have the 2 fish fillets (salmon fillets) starting to cook away. I start them with the meat side down so that they can absorb as much of the garlic that was in the pan as possible. Once I flip them over, I will be cooking them until they are cooked through.
There you have it… Supper is ready to be served! Two salmon fillets cooked with lemon pepper and garlic [excuse me, with garlic pepper and more garlic] and a side salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing on it.
The whole process took maybe 10 minutes at the most to cook and should be quite tasty! Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoy this and other recipes that are keto-friendly and very easy to prepare in a recreational vehicle. See you next time!