National Forest Camping – I’m a fulltime RVer and I frequently set up my camp on National Forest lands. It’s FREE… and you can’t get any closer to wildlife and nature than this! See what National Forest camping is like + The pros and cons of National Forest Camping vs National Park Camping.
Hi, my name is Curtis with The Fun Times Guide. Today I’m going to give you a little bit of a tour of what it is like to go camping on National Forest lands.
Sometimes you are in heavily woods and sometimes you are in more open plain like areas. Today, I am camped about 50 miles south of the Grand Canyon in an open area that is quite popular for camping.
Some National Forest campsites are quite open and spacious. This one I am encamped in currently is large enough to handle probably a half a dozen RVs. Most campsites have a stone fire ring — though this one is much larger than usual. And as you can see across the way, there is a group of 5 or 6 rigs camping together at another large open campsite.
This is a typical National Forest camping area. You see there is plenty of open space. Campers can group together, if they wish. Or if there is more open area (or more secluded area), they have the option to be by themselves if they wish.
If I look down this way… that is my campsite nestled in amongst some trees. And I am quite nicely camped by myself.
It amazes me how much wildlife is out here in the National Forest. As long as you have the time to quietly sit back and watch, all kinds of different creatures will surprise you. The following clips were taken while I was camped much closer to Flagstaff. And as you can see, it is astonishing the quantity of wildlife that is out here.
There are elk everywhere out here this morning. Must be at least 50 of them.
I imagine they are gathering looking for new ground to get away from the forest fire.
[Scenes of hummingbirds on my hummingbird feeder.]