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RVers share personal experiences & tips for renting an RV. What you can expect when you rent, RV rental costs & fees, where to rent an RV near you, and more


Have questions about the RV industry & how RVs are made? By touring an RV manufacturing facility you will find the answers. RV factory tours take you behind the scenes.

The best way to get to know people that share the same interest as yourself is to join groups and participate in events where like-minded people get together. Nowhere is this more common than in the RV lifestyle. RV clubs, groups, and rallies are a great way to interact with other RVers.

Need help planning your next RV trip? When we are RVing, I'm always the navigator. To simplify the trip planning process, I always go to the computer and use the Microsoft Streets and Trips software program. Here's why I like their mapping program...

Initially, we used a 'regular' GPS unit when driving in our RV. But we quickly learned that most GPS units -- including ours -- were not very accommodating of RVers' needs. So I did some research and found the top 3 GPS units that are RV-friendly.

We recently spent $1,000 -- in gas alone -- on an RV trip from Elkhart, Indiana to Edmonton, Alberta Canada. We drove approximately 1,800 miles and got 6-1/2 miles per gallon. Despite the fact that you're lucky to get 10 miles to the gallon and each fill-up can cost as much as $200, RV sales are still on the rise!

Here's my review of the movie 'RV' starring Robin Williams. There are lots of funny references in this movie that RV owners will enjoy. And if you're planning on renting an RV any time soon... then you'll appreciate this movie.

Jim and 3 friends drove an RV cross country last week -- all the way from Elkhart, Indiana to Edmonton Alberta Canada. This was Jim's first time being an RV transport driver. They were taking a Renegade motorhome from the factory in Indiana to a sales lot in Canada.