Maintenance & RepairsOutdoor Fun

You Won’t Forget Anything When You Use RV Maintenance Checklists

If I had worked from a fall RV maintenance checklist when I winterized my RV, I wouldn’t have needed a new fitting for the outdoor shower faucet this spring!  (I forgot to drain it — because it was out of site, out of mind.)

Use an RV checklist and you won't forget important things like I have in the past!

How often have you overlooked something that came back to bite you in the backside, when it comes to breaking camp or working on your RV?

All it takes to eliminate any chance of forgetting something, is a simple checklist.


The Best RV Checklists

All the best RV checklists for new RVers and experienced RVers as well!

Check out All The Best Checklists For RVers.  It includes everything from campsite departure checklists to inventory checklists — so you don’t leave home with only 1 roll of toilet paper!

The one I needed was the winterization checklist.  Relying on my memory is always a mistake.  I got off lucky since a new fitting was only a couple dollars.

However, without a checklist, you could be out much more than that!  Say, if you forget to lower the TV antenna before driving off from from your secluded campsite in the woods… you’ll spend closer to $200 to replace that antenna!

Next fall I will have my maintenance checklist in hand.  I know how to winterize my RV water system, I just don’t want to forget anything.

By the way, this video takes you through the process of winterizing your RV.  You can use it to make up your own maintenance checklist so you don’t forget the outdoor shower like I did:

RELATED: How To Winterize An RV Better Than An RV Dealer Would!

RELATED: The Ultimate RV Maintenance Checklist For Spring

I hope that you find these RV checklists helpful!