Christmas is just around the corner.
Will you be celebrating the holidays on the road this year?
If so, then you’re probably going to be doing some holiday decorating, right?
According to a Good Sam Club survey of 10,000 RV owners, these are the most popular ways that RVers decorate their rig for Christmas:
- Christmas lights hung on the outside the RV (43%)
- A variety of Christmas decorations around the entire campsite (38%)
- Various Christmas decorations added to the RV’s dashboard (36%)
- A traditional Christmas tree (34%)
- A Christmas wreath hung from the grill of the RV (16%)
How To Decorate Your RV For Christmas
Just like decorating your home for the holidays, decorating your RV for the holidays will definitely put some Christmas cheer in your heart and a smile on your face.
Sure, it’s a smaller space, but decorating the RV for Christmas can be just as much fun!
For starters, a tabletop Christmas tree will fit just fine, and you can still put out many of your usual Christmas decorations — just on a smaller scale.
To give your RV Christmas tree a unique twist, consider adding some RV themed ornaments as well.
Don’t forget to make your Christmas list and to leave it where Santa can find it. Now’s a good time to put some things for the RV on your gift wish list.
Oh yeah, you might even want to set up your very own RV holiday light show! Here are 2 examples: