Outdoor FunRV Driving / Towing Tips

VIDEOS: How To Hook Up A Fifth Wheel RV Hitch

Unfortunately, you can’t order your new pickup truck from the factory with a 5th wheel RV hitch already installed.

Preparing your truck to haul a large fifth wheel condo is serious business.

See how to hook up a fifth wheel trailer.

If your hitch isn’t mounted properly, there is great potential for injury or expensive damage to your trailer, your truck, and other drivers on the road.

Ignoring the RV hitch safety features can be just as dangerous.

Here’s how to mount and hook up a 5th wheel RV hitch on your truck.


Even if you don’t do the RV hitch mounting yourself, knowing how it attaches to your truck will help you find any mechanical problems down the road.

This video provides an excellent explanation of how critical it is to mount your 5th wheel RV hitch properly, to ensure good towing characteristics:

When a fifth wheel RV hitch is mounted properly, it’s easy to see why 5th wheel trailers are the favorite for fulltime RVing.  They tow so much better than travel trailers, and they offer spacious living accommodations too.