If you’re an RVer who happens to like camping and fishing, then few things would sound better than a weekend evening around the campfire, followed by a misty morning out on the lake to take in a little fishing.
For those who camp in a tent, or a pickup camper, that’s no problem. The same is true if you own a motorhome… The boat follows along behind on its trailer, and you’re ready to go after that Walleye before dawn breaks on your secluded quiet little lake. But the tent routine is something I gave up about 30 years ago, and most pickup campers are a little too confining for my style. Suffice it to say I don’t own a motorhome… yet. So my wife and I have become accustomed to the comforts of a travel trailer.
Many states allow a boat trailer to be towed behind travel trailers and fifth wheel campers — a two-up scenario that will accommodate some smaller boats. You still have to be within specified total length limits and you can absolutely forget about backing up such a combination. But for some, this is the perfect answer to the “How do I bring the boat?“ question.
However, there are still some states that restrict the “second trailer boat hauling method” to fifth wheel trailers only. And some don‘t allow it at all. This leaves those with travel trailers out of the water in states like Minnesota, Michigan, and a few others.
No problem, a rack on the back of your pickup truck will provide the ability to carry a car top boat. Great, we’ve covered everything. Now we can go fishing.
Boats For RVers
I’m retired, so muscling an aluminum boat on and off a rack that is so high I can just barely touch it sounds a bit more physical than I’m up for. I’d still like to do a little fishing, but I need an easier way.
Well, my wife and I recently began to explore our options.
Turns out, the inflatable boat (my personal favorite) was the answer for us. We decided on the Sea Eagle brand. Ours is a 10-foot sports model, able to handle an 8hp outboard motor.
When collapsed, it’s contained in a nylon bag the size of a couple of military duffle bags. You can easily stow it in the trunk of your car, or the back of your pickup.
We added a 4hp outboard motor, making the total package complete, small, and light enough to be handled with ease. Surprisingly, an inflatable boat is more stable when compared to a similar sized aluminum boat.
There is another style of boat that works well with RV camping. The folding boat is great if you prefer a hard-sided boat that collapses to a convenient size.
Porta Bote is a respected manufacturer of portable boats that fold into a package only 4 inches thick. They can be carried on the roof, or carried on a rack on the side of your vehicle.
Another folding boat made entirely of aluminum is the Instaboat. This boat adapts to all recreational vehicles and can be assembled in just 2 minutes & can be carried by one person.
Now, instead of looking out over that beautiful lake from the comfort of your lounge chair, under the shade of your awning, listening as other people putter along in the morning mist trolling for their supper… you can be out there too!
Camping and fishing are two activities that are just meant to be together. Such is why boats are as much a part of the recreational vehicle lifestyle as are family, and good times. Be safe, and enjoy the water.